Why Business Reviews Matter for Your Business Operations
Reviews can be intimidating for business owners because it can be scary to ask what customers really think about your business.
But listen to us when we tell you that reviews are not only critical to bringing in new clients to your business but also a way for you to get info on how your business is or isn’t working from an operational perspective.
Reviews give you a true sense of your client experience, by letting your customers tell you the good and the bad about your business so that you can grow.
The Nexus of Customer Voice and Business Evolution
At the heart of your business lies the notion of value exchange.
A customer enters your ecosphere, experiencing everything you've designed – your products, services, and, critically, the totality of their interactions.
Reviews form a direct line of dialogue that reveals not only the satisfaction – or dissatisfaction – of your customer base but also the nuanced mechanics of your customer service, shipping logistics, checkout processes, and every operational facet in between that crafts the customer experience.
For example, if multiple reviews mention that your turnaround time on client communications is too long, it can be hard to read but it gives you a chance to look at your customer service experience and where there may be gaps.
This feedback can prompt strides in improving training for customer-facing staff, refining operational processes, or even pivoting to new service offerings that better meet customer needs.
Use Reviews as a Proactive Operational Touchstone
Good operations aren't always visible because they're working seamlessly in the background.
And what's the sign of seamless operation? Often, it's when no one's talking about them.
Conversely, if reviewers highlight operational hiccups, such as late deliveries or confusing order processing, it's your cue to revamp the operations playbook.
Roadmap to Superior Reviews and Refined Operations
We've now established that reviews are more than mere words; they're the heartbeat of your business health monitor.
But how do you go from a passive recipient of customer feedback to an active beacon of operational wisdom?
Begin with setting up a robust review ecosystem and cultivate a culture that values reviews as the treasure trove they truly are.
1. Establish a Central Review Hub
If you don’t have a place set up to accept and record reviews, this is your sign to set that up!
We recommend a Google Business profile at least, as it can help boost your profile in Google searches and it is the most commonly-searched profile.
Facebook and Yelp are good options as well.
2. Foster a Review-Friendly Culture
If you have a review profile but aren’t actively asking for reviews, it’s time to start!
We know it can be awkward to ask for reviews but customers are usually very happy to give them and help support your business.
Make reviewing your business an intuitive next step for any customer interaction. Whether it's through an automated email post-purchase, a motivational in-store placard, or an incentivized loyalty program, customers should feel compelled and encouraged to share their experiences.
It's a reflection of your commitment to continuous improvement and your reliance on customer input as a guiding light.
3. Analyze, Act, and Amplify
Once reviews start flooding in, treat them like operational gold.
If you have a review profile and aren’t happy with what you see in them, this is your chance to turn that around!
Put aside some time on your calendar to tally unhappy customer reviews by category or theme. Use these categories/themes to generate the next steps to improve your operational business strategy and watch your reviews improve!
Don't forget to shout about the corrective actions you've taken in response to reviews; it's a PR win that demonstrates attentiveness and quality commitment.
In Conclusion: Seizing the Review Feedback Loop
Every review is an opportunity for your business to recalibrate, re-evaluate, and rejuvenate. It's a direct line to your customer base and their unsolicited opinions about every department, process, and product you've put up for their appraisal.
The review feedback loop, when harnessed with meticulous attention to operational detail, has the potential to reflexively improve the very foundations of your business.
From operational efficiency to strategic direction, every aspect of your business stands to benefit from the wisdom encapsulated in the customer review.
If you want to chat with an expert about your business’s operational health, schedule your free chat with us here!