How to Choose a Virtual Assistant: Looking Beyond Platform Expertise

Lately, we've noticed a trend in inquiries at The Boutique COO: potential clients are listing extensive, detailed platform requirements they want their virtual assistant (VA) to know. 

While it's natural to want a VA who can hit the ground running, there's a critical aspect that might be overlooked—focusing too much on specific platforms rather than the essential character traits and working style of the VA.

3 Skills to Look for Beyond Platform Experience

When screening VAs to join our TBC team, I look for things that go way beyond the simple “Do they have skills in A,B, C platform?”

As the founder of The Boutique COO, I have a very rigorous hiring process for all our virtual assistant candidates. Below are 3 specific things I look for beyond their platform expertise.

READ MORE: 3 Methods The Boutique COO Uses to Have Only High-Quality Virtual Assistants

1. Problem-Solving Skills Over Platform Proficiency

Supporting our clients often involves tackling new challenges that might not have arisen before. This is why I assess their problem-solving skills. 

Whether arranging car service for a trip, navigating registration as a Woman-Owned business, or researching the best client gifting services, it's not necessarily about having prior experience with a specific task but about the ability to solve problems effectively as they arise.

Hiring the right VA for your business means they’ve likely not worked on the exact platform or type of project you need them to work on, but they are likely to figure it out! 

2. Learning and Adaptability Are Key for VA’s

Our team is proficient in various popular tools & platforms, from Squarespace and Flodesk to various CRMs, Kajabi, and QuickBooks. 

But there is no telling how long these tools will remain the top choice for businesses.

So, the goal is to hire a VA who is quick to learn and adept at applying their knowledge to new tools efficiently. This adaptability ensures they can master new platforms swiftly, effectively meeting your business needs.

3. Long-Term Fit & Flexibility 

Choosing a VA should be about more than just their resume. 

It's about finding someone whose attitude, approach, and independence align with the evolving needs of your business. 

Over time, your requirements will likely change, and the projects you tackle may vary. 

That’s why, I’d choose a VA who is versatile and adaptable over anything else.

This is the best way to feel confident you’re not hiring the wrong person for your business. Make the right choice today, and you’ll find that they can continue to be a valuable asset as your business grows and evolves.

READ MORE: How Not to Fear Hiring the Wrong Person for Your Small Business 

Ready to Focus on Holistic VA Support? 

As you shop for a virtual assistant for your small business, I highly recommend looking at the person’s holistic support rather than their exact checklist of resume experiences. 

This approach will help you maximize your VA's value, making them a pivotal part of your operations for years to come.

Are you interested in hiring a virtual assistant that I’ve personally screened and trained on all these key skills? Book a strategy chat to get started. 


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