4 Easy Steps on How to Create an Email Newsletter

The old saying goes, "Send out emails, get back dollars."

Not only is it just catchy—it's true. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly how to make an email newsletter strategy for your business and show you the steps to creating an email newsletter that gets results!

Regular email newsletters keep your business top of mind for your customers by highlighting what’s new and what offers you have available. 

However, if you're new to this or not familiar with the latest technology, starting can seem daunting. 

Fear not! We're here to walk you through 4 simple steps to get your email newsletter up and running in no time.

4 Steps on How to Create an Email Newsletter 

1. Identify Your Email Newsletter Target Audience

Your audience typically includes existing and past customers, along with potential customers engaged in your sales process. 

If you have a CRM system, you can easily export a list of customer contacts. 

If you don’t use a CRM, we recommend you compile these emails manually from your work email inbox (it’s worth the few hours of investment!

From there, you should have your starting list. 

To avoid having to do this ongoing, we recommend you make this step part of your regular sales process. This way, everyone in your sales funnel will be able to see your newsletter content & stay top-of-mind.

BONUS TIP: We highly recommend you add a Newsletter signup call-to-action box on your website to capture emails from potential leads who are not ready to contact you but could be convinced to sign up for your email newsletters.

2. Choose an Email Newsletter Platform

Platforms like Flodesk and Mailchimp are both great options for sending out newsletters.

At The Boutique COO, we usually recommend these 2 platforms to our clients because they are user-friendly interfaces and offer extensive support resources. 

If you're willing to invest more, a CRM like Hubspot can also be a great tool. Not only does it have fantastic marketing email features, you can also automate your sales emails and form follow-up emails. 

As you scale, having an email platform in your business’ tech stack will make a world of difference! 

3. Pick an Email Newsletter Topic

Choosing what to write about can be overwhelming, but don't stress.

Writing newsletters is a process of constant iteration & testing content ideas, so don’t get stuck on trying to make it perfect. 

Start simple with 3-4 key topics your business talks to clients about and evolve based on feedback. 

Some content ideas to get you starting: 

  • Feature a trending product or service

  • Answer a recent question you got from your clients/customers

  • Address an objection you got from a prospect 

  • Highlight a client case study or product review 

  • Collaborate with another business 

The goal is to find ways to engage your audience to buy while providing valuable content they’ll appreciate regardless of whether they’re in the market to buy.

4. Watch your metrics, rinse, repeat. 

The cool thing about email newsletter platforms is the ability to track open and click rates to see what resonates with your audience. 

As you continue to send out newsletters, keep an eye on which topics garner the most engagement, and use this data to refine future content. 

Remember, consistency is key.

Take the time to integrate newsletter creation and optimization into your monthly (or quarterly!) routine. 

Need Help Setting Up & Managing Your Email Newsletter?

Starting small but being consistent is better than not at all!

If the idea of starting a newsletter still feels overwhelming, don't worry—we're here to help. 

Schedule an introductory call with us to get your newsletter and email marketing off the ground and ensure it’s a success.

Book your free strategy chat here.


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