Why General Contractors Should Hire A Virtual Assistant

Starting a general contracting company brings a myriad of administrative tasks that can overwhelm even the most organized entrepreneur. 

An assistant can establish organizational systems, manage customer interactions, and perform other vital business functions. 

But the question is, should you hire someone in-house or virtually? 

If you're debating between hiring a traditional employee or a virtual assistant (VA), here are some compelling reasons why a VA could be the perfect fit for your business.

Reason #1 - No Need for an Office

Many general contractors operate out of their homes and can benefit significantly from office help. 

A virtual assistant can perform nearly all the tasks that an in-office employee would handle, and often more. If you're not ready to invest in an external office space, a virtual assistant can help streamline your business processes right from your home.

Reason #2 - Improve Efficiency and Time Management

For businesses that have transitioned into a physical office, a virtual assistant can still offer significant benefits by managing recurring administrative duties. This allows you to focus on delivering top-notch services to your clients. 

Here are some tasks a virtual assistant can take off your hands:

  • Email Management: Keeping up with client and vendor communications.

  • Client Inquiries: Responding promptly to potential client questions.

  • Job Postings: Managing advertisements for labor needs.

  • Paperwork: Ensuring all documents are complete and accurate.

  • Material Orders: Overseeing the ordering and tracking of necessary materials.

  • Project Management: Helping keep project timelines and budgets on track.

With a VA handling these tasks, you can ensure that your business operations are efficient while focusing on fieldwork.

Reason #3 - Elevate Client Communication and Customer Service

As a general contractor, you likely spend much of your day away from the office. 

Hiring a virtual assistant to handle your communications can greatly improve response times and enhance the overall customer experience. 

Quicker responses satisfy current clients and help attract new business through improved service and increased referrals.

Reason #4 - Hiring A VA is Cost-Effective, Flexible, and Scalable

Hiring a virtual assistant is more cost-effective than employing in-house staff, especially when considering hidden costs like benefits and office space. 

At The Boutique COO, for example, clients are only billed for active working hours, which can lead to significant savings compared to even part-time employees. 

Additionally, VAs offer the flexibility to scale support up or down based on your project needs and can bring a variety of skills to the table without the need for multiple hires.

BONUS: Many Specialized Skills & Expertise

TBC virtual assistants are highly experienced and skilled, so they can also help you scale your business smoothly, saving you time and money! 

Our virtual assistants bring a wealth of experience and specialized skills to their roles. Whether you need support with bookkeeping, graphic design, or social media management, hiring a VA allows you access to these skills as needed, eliminating the need for multiple contracts or employees.

Tips for Finding a Reliable Virtual Assistant

1. Identify your Business Needs

What are the major pain points in your daily operations? The tasks and projects causing you the biggest headaches are often a good place to start! Identify the main areas where you could benefit from organization and administrative support.

2. Define the Necessary Skill Set

Based on your major support areas, what skills are needed? Look for connections between pain points - do you need a bookkeeper? A receptionist? A marketing specialist? An HR professional? If you are unsure what skills might be necessary for your circumstances, The Boutique COO can help you identify important skills and match you with the right virtual assistant for your business!

3. Set a Budget

Determine how much you can afford to pay for a virtual assistant. This number will be crucial to identifying how many hours of work per week you will receive with your budget.

4. Choose the Right Service

Once you have a clear idea of your needs, the skills needed for your business, and your budget, it’s time to choose a service. Many services exist that can connect you with virtual assistants in the United States and internationally. 

The Boutique COO takes a holistic approach to matching companies with the right virtual assistants. We hire only highly skilled and vetted professionals passionate about assisting businesses like yours!

Interested in hiring a virtual assistant? 

Hiring a virtual assistant can transform how you manage your general contracting business. It can improve efficiency, enhance customer service, and allow you to focus on the core aspects of your work. 

If you're ready to take the next step, reach out to us for a free strategy chat and discover how a VA can benefit your operations.


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