How to Avoid Wasting Money When You Hire a Virtual Assistant

You've probably heard of virtual assistants and maybe even have done some research about how they can help you and your business. 

But the main thing you’re worried about: what if they only make things more difficult? 

You want to just be able to trust that your virtual assistant is able to get to work and start saving you time. 

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant the Right Way

The Boutique COO team has teamed up with many businesses and developed some handy strategies to be able to seamlessly integrate into our client’s businesses and start adding valuable support right away. 

In this blog post, we’ll cover the 2 main obstacles clients face and how we overcome them. 

Obstacle #1: Not Having Enough Budget

Running a business on your own is undoubtedly challenging, and budget constraints can make the idea of hiring a virtual assistant seem intimidating. 

This is typically the first major step we tend to work with clients on is fitting virtual assistant support into their budget. As tight budgets can sometimes affect how many hours of support you can afford, especially to start. 

However, we're here to share a strategy that can make this process more manageable.

Solution: Start with a Revenue Generating Project 

We recommend starting with outsourcing just one task. 

Ideally this task is one that can help generate more business for you. Tasks like setting up an email list, launching a new offering, or reaching out to & following up with leads.

These activities tend to have the highest ROI, which can then bring in more revenue to help create room in your budget! 

Obstacle #2: Hours Spent to Get Your Virtual Assistant Up to Speed

We often hear from clients that they’re nervous to bring someone in and trust them with their business and we get it—your business is your baby! 

Bringing on a VA you’re going to trust will take time to get them up to speed. 

But you’re a busy solopreneur and you won’t have the time to check for mistakes or be available to answer their questions. That’s why you’re hiring them, right?! 

So, how do you overcome that? 

Solution: Do Your Research Upfront

Choosing the right VA is critical for this step. 

Look at their reviews or ask for references to understand other client’s experiences, so you know if you can trust them. 

Having a virtual assistant who has already worked with a business similar to yours, or who is familiar with the tools you like to work with, will bring the time it takes to onboard them down significantly.

The Boutique COO team has experience in many different industries and has a massive list of tools that we are trained in, so you don’t have to spend your valuable time training us. 

Are You Ready to Hire a VA?

Having a VA is a long-term relationship, so treat it that way to start! 

If you’ve had trouble hiring a virtual assistant in the past or you feel you’re ready to try out our solutions to begin actually saving time & major headaches, we’d love to have the chance to chat with you. 

There’s no pressure to commit.

We’re here to be a sounding board as you explore the possibility of bringing a VA into your business.

Schedule your free strategy chat with us or read through some case studies of how we’ve supported businesses like yours.


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