The Power of Vulnerability: How Sharing Your Chronic Illness Can Grow Your Business

GUEST AUTHOR: Rheanna Nutter,  The Chronic Success Society

As entrepreneurs, we're often told to keep our personal and professional lives separate - to maintain a clear boundary between our business and personal identities.

But what happens when your personal life is inextricably linked to your business?

In this blog post, we hear from guest author Rheanna Nutter, the trailblazing success coach behind The Chronic Success Society. She’ll tell her personal story about her chronic illness and how being vulnerable actually helped her business grow. 

You’ll learn several tips on how to begin to intertwine your health, well-being, and passions with your professional pursuits.

The First Step: Embracing Our Uniqueness

No matter how much you try to avoid it, your chronic illness is deeply intertwined with your career. 

For those of us living with chronic illnesses, the division is not only impossible but also undesirable. Trying to separate the two would mean ignoring a fundamental aspect of who we are as humans, and what drives us. 

Instead, we must learn to embrace this intersection and find ways to leverage our unique experiences and perspectives to fuel our businesses and connect with others on a deeper level.

My Own Reality with Chronic Illness in Entrepreneurship

As someone with multiple chronic illnesses, I know firsthand how hard it is to keep my personal and professional life separate.  It quickly became a full-time job just to conceal these parts of me from my clients and potential clients. Essentially, I was living a lie.

I realized there are so many ways in which your business and health are intertwined, it’s practically impossible to separate the two:

  • Energy levels: Some days I'm productive, while others I'm barely able to get out of bed.

  • Brain fog: I prioritize tasks based on my cognitive function.

  • Self-care: Exercise, meditation, rest, multiple daily breaks, and therapy are essential for me.

  • Medical appointments: I have a whole calendar dedicated to doctor's appointments and medical tests.

The Weight of Hiding My Chronic Illness in Business

I struggled to compartmentalize my personal and professional life, and it was exhausting - like trying to hold water in my hands, the more I tried to control it, the more it slipped away. 

As a chronic illness warrior, I'd already faced shame and judgment from social media, medical professionals, and beyond. 

It felt like I was fighting for my life, and then also fighting for understanding and acceptance. 

But I knew I had to push past my fear of vulnerability because it was the only way to break free from the cycle of secrecy and shame that was suffocating me. 

How Vulnerability Can Grow Your Business

Sharing my story, imperfections and all, was a game-changer. I finally felt like I could be myself, without apology. 

And the best part? It resonated with others in a way I never expected. I discovered that some of my clients were struggling with similar health issues and entrepreneurial challenges. 

It was like a weight had been lifted - I wasn't alone, and neither were they. That's when it hit me: authenticity is the key to building real relationships and a successful business. 

Vulnerability isn't a weakness, it's a superpower. 

By embracing our true selves, we can create a sense of community and connection that's hard to find elsewhere.

Risks Associated with Being Vulnerable About Chronic Illness in Business

Remember, the energy you put out into the world is the energy you'll receive in return. 

If you're afraid to share your authentic truth, you'll attract people who are also hiding behind masks of perfection. They'll be drawn to your superficiality, and together, you'll create a culture of secrecy and shame. 

If you're brave enough to share your true self, imperfections and all, you'll attract people who appreciate your courage and vulnerability. 

They'll be inspired by your willingness to take risks and be real, and together, you'll create a community built on trust, empathy, and understanding.

Of course, being vulnerable comes with risks, including:

  • Fear of rejection or judgment

  • Fear of being seen as weak or imperfect

  • Fear of losing relationships or opportunities

  • Fear of being taken advantage of or exploited

  • Fear of being vulnerable to emotional pain or hurt

  • Fear of being seen as different or outside the norm

  • Fear of losing control or privacy

How do I share my chronic illness as an entrepreneur?

As we have discussed, sharing your chronic illness can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with a little guidance, you can do it with confidence and authenticity. Remember, sharing your truth is a personal decision, and it's okay to take your time and do it in a way that feels comfortable for you. 

6 Tips to Sharing Your Chronic Illness in Business

1. Start with your why

Before sharing your chronic illness, define your motivations. Are you seeking support, raising awareness, or building connections? Clarifying your purpose will help you stay focused and authentic.

2. Start small and grow from there

Begin sharing your story with a trusted friend, family member, or a group of other chronic illness warriors (Such as The Chronic Success Society). As you become more comfortable, you can expand your audience and share more widely. This will help you build confidence and refine your message.

3. Be honest and authentic

Share your truth in a way that feels authentic to you. Don't sugarcoat or hide your experiences – vulnerability is key to building connections.

4. Use your voice

Write, speak, or create in a way that feels natural to you. Whether it's through blogging, video, or public speaking, use your unique voice to share your story.

5. Be prepared for reactions

While negative reactions are rare, it's essential to be prepared. Remember that most people will respond with empathy and understanding. However, if someone does have a negative reaction, take a step back and assess whether you want to move forward in a business relationship with that type of person. Ask yourself:

  • Do their values align with yours?

  • Can you maintain healthy boundaries with this person?

  • Will their negativity impact your well-being?

If the answer is no, it may be best to reevaluate the relationship and prioritize your own needs.

6. Take care of yourself

Sharing your chronic illness can be emotionally draining. Prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and seek support when needed.

The Time to Be Vulnerable is Now

Your chronic illness doesn't have to be a secret. In fact, sharing it can be a powerful way to grow your business and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

So, take a deep breath and share your truth. 

Your audience (and your business) will thank you.

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Meet Rheanna Nutter, the trailblazing success coach behind The Chronic Success Society. As a seasoned entrepreneur and chronic illness warrior, Rheanna empowers 'Chronicpreneurs' to thrive in business without burning out.

With 20+ years of experience and a business degree, she's crafted a unique approach that saves entrepreneurs precious 'spoons' - energy and time - so they can focus on building their dream ventures. Join The Chronic Success Society and unlock tailored resources, support, and success strategies designed specifically for entrepreneurs with chronic illness and disabilities.


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